Thinking Of A Thoughtful Gift?
Photography By Besame Mucho Photography Carla Perez
Ugh! The holidays are here. But what's so "ugh" about them? Well, for me and many others, this time of year comes with that age old question, "what do I get my loved ones?" or heck, "what do I get for myself ?" As it stands, "Treat yo self" seems to be the slogan of the year (you guys on TikTok? or?... lol). Treating yourself or your loved ones during the holiday season can be done in all sorts of ways. Sure you can get them the latest phone, TV, watch or whatever but truly taking a moment to think about what a meaningful or thoughtful gift they'd enjoy year after year and even benefit from is surely a monumental task.
To help with that burden this year, we at Besame Mucho Photography, have come up with a perfect idea! A gift card that can be used with Besame Mucho! You may be asking yourself... ok, a gift card whoopty doo, that's not thoughtful. And you may be right, if it were an Arby's or a Dyson gift card. Nothing says thoughtful like telling someone to get a sandwich and clean their floors with their new vacuum. lol
Anyway, the cool part is that the Besame Mucho gift card, can be used towards a variety of services that include makeovers, headshots/branding, personal portraits, family portraits and even folio collections. Imagine, getting the entrepreneur in your life an opportunity to refresh their branding. Personally, I would be forever grateful to someone that would have got me a gift like this early on in my entrepreneurial career. Or maybe having portraits done with your mom, sister, kids, husbands, pets or what have you is more like it. Either way, having those memories and photos at your finger tips is gold!
At this point, you may be asking, where can I get a Besame Mucho gift card? Don't worry, I got you! Follow the link below:
Oh and best of all the gift card does not expire! Let me know if you have any questions. I'm always a text, email or phone call away!